Do You Have a Resume With No Work Experience? Here’s What to Do About It

Alisha Swanson
5 min readSep 26, 2020
Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

School didn’t prepare me for the workforce. Period. And no, I don’t just mean the K-12 system, but even going to college only taught me theory, not real world execution.

If only there was an adult-ing 101 class, I probably wouldn’t be pawning off my taxes on my mother last minute, who lives out of state by the way, come every April. Not only am I a missed decimal away from being hunted down by the IRS, I also have no frame of reference when it comes to properly applying to jobs that will get me enough money to mess up on my taxes in the first place.

I didn’t learn just how much work and skill it takes to apply for jobs. No one really talks about the struggles of job hunting and switching careers, particularly in the way that our workforce is set up right now, due to the ever elusive Covid-19 virus.

Not only that, but how do you navigate the dark tunnel that is having a resume with no work experience?

Well, F. Diane Barth L.C.S.W. from Psychology Today has some soulful advice to shine a light for you. She states, “you are not your job. Nor are you defined by your lack of work.” She also states that “you can learn from any job.

If you want to be a psychotherapist, you can learn about people washing dishes! If you want to…

